Blush2Bloom Works. Here's proof

76 students in our first year, from 7 different countries. Blush2Bloom is the only online group coaching program dedicated to overcoming chronic blushing and living the life you want.

Created by self-cured blusher, medical doctor, leadership trainer and certified coach, Madeleine de Hauke.

Maeve, Ireland

"Looking back to the person I was before the 6-week program, I realize I've gone from depression to expression. it really transformed my life. I'm living life way more freely. I'm expressing myself; I'm chatty; I'm doing what I want to do! Living life to the full!"


Eve, Canada

“I’m grateful for the progress I’ve made since doing the program 9 months ago, and excited for what’s to come! I’ve decided to pursue my passion and head back to school! While my fear of blushing is still present, since doing the program I accept it more and am less ashamed. I also opened-up to my sister who didn’t know I struggled with this issue - and then later, we spoke together to our parents about our shared struggle. This has been a significant step towards acceptance for me. Thanks again Madeleine for your support, I’m confident I’m heading in the right direction”

Val, USA

"As an introvert, I appreciated that we could choose to watch the recordings and not show up live to the group coaching. I got so much out of the program. Now I can go out without my make-up on (I would never leave the house without my foundation before – I’d even wear it to the gym!)  I blush less - and even if I do blush, I just don’t worry about it like I used to. if blushing is something that stops you from being yourself and holding you back, this program will help you relieve a great deal of the anxiety and fear of blushing". 

Jack, U.K

"The program's been very beneficial for me. I’m blushing less – but whether I’m blushing or not, I have a better relationship with it now and can accept it without scrambling for my anxiety meds. Since doing Blush2Bloom I probably use 30-40% less anxiety meds, which is a pretty massive improvement in a short time".

Amy, New Zealand

"Before the program I had no tools to deal with blushing and just got through my days with a lot of anxiety and stress. I got nervous when the program about to start, but the fact that Madeleine’s been through this as well, and can actually relate, was a real motivation for me.  The biggest change has been letting go of shame and humiliation". 

Sam, U.K

"It’s not a case of being cured after 6 weeks – I don’t think there’s anything that could do that – but since doing the program, my mindset has shifted to a more positive mind. And I’ve got tools, understanding and the validation that I can take on board and make progress with. Even if I stay exactly as I am at this moment, and don’t make any further progress, I’d still recommend the program"

Laura, Bratislava

"Before I joined the program it felt like I could only be myself when I was alone. I always wanted to be perfect and I think that was part of the problem. But with the steps of the program I learned to just be myself. It was exactly what I needed to get better with the blushing and the shame I was carrying around" 

Jade, UK

"After doing the program, I feel lighter, and a sense of hope about the whole blushing issue. I’d definitely recommend the program. It's not like it’s just 6 videos and then it’s over – she gives lots of extras and bonuses and there’s a Facebook group where she answers your questions and supports you”  

Clayton, USA

"The other week we went to a friend’s house for dinner. I started to have this fear and anxiety of blushing. Then I remembered the recording and used one of the tools, and somehow the fear went away. I was amazed! It felt totally different, and I didn’t even need to drink that much – only one glass of wine!"

Mandy, U.K

"Since the program I've done things I would never have done before the program: I've taken a number of online training courses and even chat with the teacher. I’m going out and about with my child to play areas and just having the confidence to talk to people and not be ashamed that I might go red. I’m more talkative and just more optimistic about the future".

Louise, UK

"Before the program I just hid myself. I was just so embarrassed that someone – it could be my mum or someone from my family or work – might speak to me and I would go bright red. And it just completely dictated my life and what I wore! Now I’ve expanded what I wear, especially at work and I have more confidence. I’m not fighting it or hiding or feeling ashamed like before".  

Michaela, Czeck Republic

"For me, it's absolutely been a life-changing experience!  My blushing doesn't take over anymore. It's more gentle, over more quickly - and sometimes I don't blush at all. And I take on challenges that I'd never have dreamed of!"  

Candice, Canada

“I was one of those people who wanted a magic pill or miracle cream to cure my blushing. This program helped me grow up and realize that’s not going to happen! I made lot’s of realisations along the way that I’d say were life-changing”

Tina, Ireland

"I am 60 in June. I've struggled with blushing forever and I've tried all kinds of therapy - nothing worked. So when I signed up for this program it was like a last chance. I thought: if this doesn't work - then that's it! That's my life!  I'll just have to accept it.  

But something so very surprising happened. And I’m so grateful.  After the second session, I felt there was a bit of fear falling away. Until now, I’ve spent all my waking hours trying to hide my blushing, using lighting, scarves, whatever!

But at the second session I felt something shift. Something has become unlocked. I even managed to casually throw the fact that I blush into a conversation!"

Maeve, UK

In the year since starting the Program, I've gone from depression to expression! After struggling with this issue for over 20 years, it's just not an issue anymore. That chapter of my life is closed. I feel good in my skin and I'm so much happier! And at age 46, I'm finally going about life the way I want and finding out who I really am.

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