From Depression to Expression: Maeve's Review of Blush2Bloom

I'd like to share an inspiring story from Maeve, one of our incredible participants. Maeve joined our Blush2Bloom program about a year ago and experienced a profound transformation. Here, she shares her blushing journey, challenges, and how she went "from depression to expression":

Maeve's Story:

“The Blush2Bloom program was an absolute revelation for me. It was truly transformational, and I’m so glad I decided to take the plunge. I was hesitant at first, downplaying the negative effects that blushing had on my life. I didn’t fully acknowledge how much it was holding me back socially, emotionally and my overall engagement with life.

I’m 46 now, and blushing has been a part of my life since my early twenties. I can still remember that first major episode in college, where my face lit up like a furnace during a social event. I was panicked and tried to cover it up, but it was so obvious. A friend asked if I was okay, and from that day on, blushing became a constant struggle.

"Those blushing episodes have pretty-much vanished. I'm very much a different person now."

Over the years, I tried various coping mechanisms—high neck collars, foundation, scarves, green-tinted makeup—but none of it truly worked. I found myself saying no to opportunities, avoiding speaking up, and staying in the background. I became a shadow of myself, not realizing the extent of the impact blushing had on my life.

Seeing Madeleine’s video about the course sparked something in me. I decided to give it a shot. It was just six weeks, one session a week, and I had to admit that blushing was affecting my life. The course setup was incredible. One of the best parts of the program was realizing I wasn’t alone. Meeting other blushers and hearing their stories made me feel understood and less isolated. Knowing that such lovely people were going through the same struggles helped me see that I wasn’t a bad egg and that I deserved a full life.

Taking the baby steps Madeleine encouraged us to take was crucial. These small changes, along with the accountability of our weekly group chats, helped me build new habits, and new thought-patterns. The focus shifted to me and how I was navigating my days and I’ve made some pretty massive changes. The baby steps weren’t pre-programmed, allowing us to decide what to work on each week.

I absolutely loved the concept of a "bloom buddy." My bloom buddy, Louise, has been an amazing support. It’s reassuring to know someone else who truly gets what I’m going through. Since the course, my blushing has pretty much vanished. There’s been one occasion since the end of the course when I felt it coming on – but it didn’t affect me and I could even play with it. And if I did blush at that moment, so be it. My whole attitude towards blushing has transformed. I no longer consider it part of my identity. It’s gone!

Looking back, I realize that I was depressed. I was expressing only a tiny part of what I wanted. The lack of expression was having a negative impact on me. But now, I’m more expressive and vibrant. I dance, I speak out, and I’ve even got a short haircut for the first time in my life. I wear color and am working on being more articulate. The course taught me how I frame my experiences and now I make choices that bring me joy.

During the winter, I started treating myself to little pleasures to look forward to, like sauna visits and weekly cinema trips. These proactive steps have helped me maintain a sense of satisfaction and fullness in life.

From depression to expression—that’s the phrase that captures my journey. If this resonates with anyone, I wholeheartedly recommend the course. It’s worth taking the time to focus on yourself. The timing will be right when you’re ready to take the first step For me, the timing was perfect, and I’m thrilled with the changes in my life”.


Maeve's journey is a testament to the transformative power of self-awareness and proactive change. We're proud to have been a part of her story and look forward to helping more individuals like Maeve on their path from blush to bloom… from depression to self-expression and fulfilment.