You can overcome blushing and live more confidently.


Join our 6-Week Anti-Blushing Program! 


Tue Oct 15 - Tue Nov 19

Sign up now

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75+ people have overcome blushing with Blush2Bloom

 For me, it's absolutely been a life-changing experience!  My blushing doesn't take over anymore. It's more gentle, over more quickly - and sometimes I don't blush at all. And I take on challenges that I'd never have dreamed of!   

- Michaela, (Age 38) Czeck Republic


Before I joined the program it felt like I could only be myself when I was alone. I always wanted to be perfect and I think that was part of the problem. But with the steps of the program I learned to just be myself. It was exactly what I needed to get better with the blushing and the shame I was carrying around. 

- Laura (Age 20) Bratislava


The Blush2Bloom Program's been very beneficial for me. In general, I'm blushing less. And whether I'm blushing or not, I have a better relationship with it now, and can accept it without scrambling for my anxiety meds. Since doing the program, I probably use 30-40% less anxiety medication, which is a pretty massive improvement in a short time.

- Jack, U.K


What can you expect from the Program?

Re-wire your body-brain connection to stop blushing and finally build the relationships, career and life you deserve.

  • Duration: 6 weeks (+ Bonus 7th Session)
  • Dates: Tue Oct 15 - Tue Nov 19, 2024
  • Format: 60 min every Tuesday for 6 weeks (Join live or catch the recordings) + 30 min non-recorded coaching for live participants.
  • Bonus Session: Tue Dec 10.
Sign me up →

Pick the Best Option for You:


Catch the recorded group coaching sessions to watch in your own time, at your own pace on a secure learning platform.


$388 ($20 off)

(Payment plans available)

I Want Follow-Along →

Live Group Coaching

Get the transformational power of small group coaching with other people just like you, and the recordings afterwards.


$488 ($30 off)

(Payment plans available)

I Want Live Group Coaching →


Get the benefit of Live Group Coaching plus 3 x 60 min private 60-min one-to-one Coaching Sessions with Madeleine .


$988 ($100 off)

(Payment plans available)

I Want One-to-One →

"Since completing the Blush2Bloom program, I've gone from depression to expression. After struggling with this issue for over 20 years, it's just not an issue anymore! That chapter of my life is closed. And at age 46, I'm finally going about life the way I want and finding out who I really am. I feel good in my skin and so much happier!"


If work meetings fill you with dread in case you turn red...

If you avoid people, situations or opportunities in case they see you blush...

Then you already know that healing Chronic Blushing isn't a quick fix or a silver bullet.  

The 6-week Blush2Bloom Group Coaching Program is a holistic, transformative experience that heals chronic blushing at a deep and lasting level, without medication or exposing yourself to scary situations.

By combining the body-mind principles of neuroscience, somatic therapy and trauma healing with the transformational power of small group coaching, Madeleine takes you step-by-step through her proven framework to heal your blushing so you can finally start blooming to your full potential.   

Join the Blush2Bloom 6-week program and start a new life, free of the chains of chronic blushing. 

By the end of this 6-week Program,

you will have…


  • Reduced your Blushing by 50-100% and have a New Mindset.

    Like Maeve from Ireland "Blushing doesn't define me anymore. That chapter of the book is closed" or Val from the USA : "Now I can go out without my make-up! (I never left home without my foundation before - I even wore it to the gym). I blush less, and even if I do blush, I just don't worry about it" 
  • The Confidence to Express Your Unique Style

    As your self-acceptance grows, so will your wardrobe choices! You'll select clothes, hair styles and make-up to express your personality instead of whether they hide the blush. 
  • The Self-Assurance to Take-on Challenges You'd Never Dreamed Possible

    Like Mandy, from the U.K said after completing the program: "Since the program, I've taken career development courses and even chat with the teacher! I’m going out and about with my child to play areas and just having the confidence to talk to people and not be ashamed that I might go red. I’m more talkative and just more optimistic about the future".
  • A New Level of Self-Acceptance With Ripple Effects on Your Relationships 

    As your self-acceptance and self-trust grows, it radiates outwards to gradually end isolation. You'll be empowered to connect genuinely with people, free from the old feelings of shame and separation. 
  • Start Living Your Best Life!

    Maeve from Ireland says it best: "Looking back to the person I was before the 6-week program, I realize I've gone from depression to expression. It really transformed my life. The blushing is gone and I'm living life way more freely. I'm expressing myself. I'm chatty. I'm doing what I want to do! Living life to the full!" 
Register Me Now →

Live Group Coaching, or Follow-Along

Our fully flexible program means you can join us live to get the full benefit of small group coaching, or you can opt to follow-along with the recordings (available within 48hrs) - it's up to you!


Catch the recorded group coaching sessions to watch in your own time, at your own pace. Although you don't get individual attention or the group coaching experience, you follow-along and learn from watching the recordings of the live sessions. 


  •  6 x 60 minute "on demand" follow-along recordings of the live Group Coaching Sessions (available within 48 hours) on a secure learning portal
  • 'Bloom Assignments' to move you forward week by week so you see immediate and concrete results in your life.
  • Cheat Sheets to make it super-easy for new habits and beheviors to stick.
  • A kind, supportive private Facebook Community, where Madeleine answers your questions. 
  • Year-long access so you can (re)visit modules as often as you like. 

Live Group Coaching


If you're tired of struggling alone and excited for the transformational power of small group coaching with other people just like you, then join us for the live sessions. 


  • You show up live to the 60 minute interactive coaching sessions with Madeleine in a small group of people with the same experiences (recorded for folks who prefer to follow-along alone).
  • There's a transformative magic that happens when you're coached together with people like you.
  • An additional 30 min 'closed-door' Group Coaching Sessions (not recorded) for deeper (and private) growth with Madeleine, a certified coach & trainer.
  • A Safe Space for sharing, learning, practicing and 'becoming' the new you.
  • Small Group size to ensure individual attention and customized to your specific needs and adaptive to the group: this is real-time, real-life group coaching. 
  • Time-zone friendly options so you can join from any country.

Pick the Best Option for You:

The Blush2Bloom Framework: 

The Blush2Bloom program is a holistic, inter-connected system that heals blushing at a deep level using the transformational power of group coaching.

Each week, Madeleine takes you by the hand and walks you through her deep, yet simple 'do-it-with-me' framework to end blushing for ever. 

Because blushing is a body-mind reaction to deep rooted triggers, the program follows a three-step system that combine together for lasting results:  selected

  • Duration: 6 weeks (+ Bonus 7th Session)
  • Format: 60 min/week (Live Group Coaching & Recordings)
  • Bonus Session: 3 weeks after the Program ends to ensure new habits stick.



What’s Inside Blush2Bloom? 


Module 1 (Week 1): Tuesday, 15th October 

Getting Started

In our first session, you'll receive the overview of the Blush2Bloom Framework, designed to heal your blushing from the inside-out. Plus 3 tools to handle blushing episodes in the short-term, as we work on lasting solutions through the 6-weeks.

Live participants get expert coaching from Madeleine, a medically trained and trauma-informed certified Coach. This is a safe space, where you're understood, supported and healed: that's the transformational power of small group coaching! 

Module Highlights:

  • 3 tools to handle blushing episodes in the short-term, as we work on lasting solutions through the duration of the program.
  • The Key to moving beyond your comfort zone when it comes to blushing without triggering anxiety, shame or your blush response.
  • Madeleine guides you through her 4-Step System to clarify your current situation and set goals for the next 6 weeks. Together, we'll ensure the Blush2Bloom Framework fits seamlessly into your busy life, making it practical and easy to apply. 
  • Your personal Bloom Assignment: each week you'll create your unique bloom assignment based on the session's coaching. Your bloom assignment is unique to you and your specific situation, and designed to move your forward week-by-week.
Module 2 (Week 2): Tuesday, 22nd October


Knowledge is power and when we understand why we blush, how we blush, and the root causes behind our blushing - we can begin the process of change and transformation, because we know where to take action.

Module Highlights:

People suffer from chronic blushing for different reasons, often hidden to them. This module brings clarity and structure so you can take control of your blushing:  

  • Introducing the '10 Bloom Tools' to break the Blushing Cycle: discover what they are, how and why they work, and when to use them to stop blushing and start blooming.
  • Discover the three commonest types of blushing and what to do (a) before, (b) during, and (c) after the blush to re-wire the body-brain connection. 
  • Your personal Bloom Assignment each week you'll create your unique bloom assignment based on the session's coaching. Your bloom assignment is unique to you and your situation, and designed to move you forward week-by-week. 
Module 3 (Week 3): Tuesday, 29th October 

Transformation (Re-Wire Body)

Of the 10 Boom Tools we discovered in Week 2, four are specifically designed to retrain your body to exit the fight-flight response. 

Many chronic blushers have an over-active nervous system (fight-flight). In this Module you'll follow-along with Madeleine to use 4 powerful, science-backed Bloom Tools to 'trick' the body into dialing down fight-flight without medication.   

Module Highlights:

  • Follow-along with Madeleine to apply 4 easy-to-use Bloom Tools to re-wire your body, reset the fight-flight response and take control of your blushing, so it stops controlling you. 
  • Live participants practice in small breakout groups to get familiar with the tools in a safe group coaching space.
  • Your personal Bloom Assignment each week you'll create your unique bloom assignment based on the session's teaching. Your bloom assignment is unique to you and your situation, and designed to move your forward week-by-week.
Module 4 (Week 4): Tuesday, 5th November

Transformation (Re-Wire Brain)

In this session you follow-along with Madeleine to apply 3 specific Bloom Tools to harness your mind, control your thoughts and neutralize fear.

Much of the pain associated with chronic blushing comes from the mind:

- Before the event: what happens if I blush?

- During the event: Oh no! I'm blushing!

- After the event: I'll never show my face there again

Module Highlights:

  • By the end of this session you'll have mastered three Bloom Tools to neutralize the fear of blushing and be able to use them to start re-wiring your brain without forcing yourself to blush or exposing yourself to embarrassing situations.
  • Your personal Bloom Assignment each week you'll create your unique bloom assignment based on the session's teaching. Your bloom assignment is unique to you and your situation, and designed to move you forward week-by-week.
Module 5 (Week 5): Tuesday, 12th November

Transformation (Re-Wire Triggers)

In Week 5 we close the circle by identifying and healing the root of your chronic blushing. Whether it started in childhood or later on, chronic blushing has a it's root in a feeling of shame or judgment from others, often linked to past experiences, which may be forgotten.  

In this light, but deep Session, Madeleine leads you through 3 powerful Bloom Tools to start the gentle process of identifying and healing the root cause of your blushing. This healing step is necessary for deep and lasting transformation, so you can escape the shame trap that holds you back and prevents you from living life to the full.

Module Highlights:

  • Shedding shame to stop hiding and start living life to the full.  
  • Follow-along with Madeleine for 3 do-it-yourself Bloom Tools for healing deep seated triggers.
  • Live participants practice tools in small breakout groups for the transformative power of collective healing. 
  • Your personal Bloom Assignment each week you'll create your unique bloom assignment based on the session's teaching. Your bloom assignment is unique to you and your situation, and designed to move your forward.
Module 6 (Week 6): Tuesday, 19th November 

Bringing It All Together (Body-Mind-Triggers)

In this final module we bring everything you've learned together in a review of  the 10 Bloom Tools to stop blushing and start blooming to your full potential.  These become a new standard to guide you through life so you can continue to bloom long after the program's duration.   

Module Highlights:

We celebrate your journey and set the stage for a future where you continue to bloom: 

  • Strategic Review of where you started and where you are now.
  • Blush2Bloom Blueprint: Madeleine walks you through a personalised planning session so you can apply the 10 Bloom Tools to your  your unique circumstances. By the end of the session you'll have your own blueprint to continue your progress and ensure you don't revert back to old habits. 
Bonus Session : Tuesday, 10th December

Re-connect, Make New Habits Stick

This Bonus Get-To-Gether happens 3 weeks after the final session. 


  • Reconnect to share stories, progress and next steps
  • Q&A Session with Madeleine
  • Coaching support for your next step: Now that you've started blooming, what do you want out of life? And what does life want out of you?

Frequently Asked Questions

What people asked before signing up for Blush2Bloom

I can’t wait for you to join Blush2Bloom!

I experienced first hand what it feels like to go through life hiding and avoiding people, situations and opportunities.

I know how chronic blushing can keep you stuck and stop you from sharing your true gifts. My mission is to help you stop hiding, so you can start blooming to your full potential.  

Blush2Bloom is for kind, sensitive people who have so much to offer and are tired of hiding.

With the 100% guaruntee if you feel it's not right for you by the 3rd week, you've not nothing to loose!

I hope you'll join me. It would be my privilege and honour to walk by your side every step of the way on your journey from 'blush' to Bloom!


Register Now

Blush2Bloom Guarantee

We believe Blush2Bloom has the transformational power change your life forever. However, if, by the end of the second week, you don't feel it's right for you, simply submit your completed course work and we'll issue a full refund. 

Please note that the eligibility of the refund has a specific deadline: by the end of the second week and before week three. The reason we ask for your course work is simple: if you do the work, you'll get tremendous value.

Get on the Wait List to be notified when Registration starts


Catch the recorded group coaching sessions to watch in your own time, at your own pace on a secure learning platform.


(Payment plans available)

Follow-Along is Best for Me →

Live Group Coaching

Get the transformational power of lsmall group coaching with other people just like you, and the recordings afterwards.


(Payment plans available)

Live Group Coaching is Best for Me →


Get the benefit of Live Group Coaching plus 3 x 60 min private 60-min one-to-one Coaching Sessions with Madeleine .


(Payment plans available)

V.I.P is Best for Me →

Doors Close in: